
  • Price Change

    The difference in the cost of an asset or security from one period to another. While it ...

    财经术语 2021-06-19
  • Takeout

    A slang term denoting the purchase of a company through an acquisition, merger or other ...

    财经术语 2021-06-19
  • Ponzimonium

    After Bernard Madoff's $65 billion Ponzi scheme was revealed, many new (smaller-scale) P...

    财经术语 2021-06-19
  • Rose-Colored Recession

    The unexpected optimism market observers sometimes experience during a recession. A rose...

    财经术语 2021-06-19
  • Hot Waitress Economic Index

    An index that indicates the state of the economy by measuring the number of attractive p...

    财经术语 2021-06-19
  • Double-Dip Recession

    When gross domestic product (国内生产总值) growth slides back to negative after a quarter or t...

    财经术语 2021-06-19
  • Defunct

    The condition of a company, whether publicly traded or private, that has gone bankrupt a...

    财经术语 2021-06-19
  • Average Propensity To Consume

    The average propensity to consume (APC) refers to the percentage of income that is spent...

    财经术语 2021-06-19
  • Late-Day Trading

    An unethical (if not illegal) practice of a hedge fund purchasing and then selling secur...

    财经术语 2021-06-19
  • Refi Bubble

    A period during which old debt obligations are being replaced with newer obligations wit...

    财经术语 2021-06-19